Quality Clay Sports Materials Since 1958
Specializing in Baseball Infield Mix, Mound Mix, Warning Track, Tennis Mix, Track Mix, BMX Mix.
Specializing in Baseball Infield Mix, Mound Mix, Warning Track, Tennis Mix, Track Mix, BMX Mix.
Our master blenders create blends for any outdoor project. Whether you're looking for Stabilized DG, Mound Mix, or our infamous Angel Mix (Baseball Infield Mix) which derived its name from being the first material used on the Angels Stadium infield. Our products compact great and can be screened to meet your specifications. Corona Clay also offers AXIS conditioner and Ball Game Changer, both great additions to our materials for superb water retention and all-around better play.
Baseball infield mix, mound mix, landscape materials
Corona Clay has been producing and distributing raw materials for over 60 years. Our family-owned business has withstood the sands of time due to our high-grade clay landscaping materials and devoted team of employees. We specialize in Infield Mix, BMX/RC/Motocross tracks, Tennis Courts, and Bocce Ball Court mixes. We assist many schools and little leagues with our expert advice in installation in baseball infield mix, mound mix, landscape materials. If your school, park, little league, or backyard needs material, email or call about how our product can provide a quality recreational surface for you.
Call our office today and receive a quote within minutes! One of our materials specialists will help you select the perfect material for your project and help estimate how much you will need for the job. Please have your jobs area (length x width) and depth ready.
We price our landscaping materials by the ton. You can choose to have the product delivered to you by one of our truck and transfers, dump trailer for those smaller loads, picked up at our loading site in large loose load quantities, or purchase it at our office in one and half ton bags. If you are looking for the best quality baseball infield mix, then look no further. We do, without a doubt, have the best baseball infield mix, mound mix, landscape materials this state has to offer.
Corona Clay Company
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